Raised by a nomadic warrior in the pitiless deserts of ancient Egypt, he survived starvation and hardships to forge his skills. He has reawakened throughout the centuries to become ever more powerful, utilizing technology not of this world to augment his own natural powers. Not a being that will suffer weakness or pity, he has come to conquer North America and has designs on the entire world. Promoting a philosophy based around the survival of the strongest, he believes mutant kind should be the dominant species on Earth and is relentless in hunting down weaker mutants and humanity in general. He fosters a cutthroat atmosphere in those who follow him and demands what he considers his due from those that follow his ideals, something that is never more evident than in the Shrines erected in his image.
Asmodee, Crisis Protocol
Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Shrine to En Sabah Nur Terrain Pack
En Sabah Nur is the original name of the ruthless mutant known as Apocalypse.
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